
Bad Habits to Break With Your Teeth

Your smile makes a big first impression. People spend a lot of money on dental care, teeth whitening, braces, and other tooth work to ensure a stunning smile. There are many detrimental habits, however, that can ruin teeth and all the effort put into them. Here are a few to watch out for! 

Grinding Your Teeth 

Your teeth are strong enough to break down the toughest and stiffest foods. This strength, while optimal for proper digestion and enjoyment of food, can also be very detrimental when applied directly against another tooth. Teeth grinding can wear down at enamel or even cause serious chips in your teeth. If you notice yourself grinding your teeth due to stress or anxiety, try your best to stop. You may also be unknowingly grinding your teeth while sleeping. Your dentist can alert you of any grinding and fit you for a night guard to prevent further wear on your teeth. 

Chewing Ice 

Ice might seem like an ideal snack since it is calorie-free, refreshing, fun to eat, and inexpensive. However, chewing on ice is very detrimental to your teeth. Ice is very hard, so it can wear down your teeth and enamel much more quickly than regular foods. Additionally, chewing ice is particularly bad if you have braces. The hard chunks or shards can bend or even break wires. If that happens, you’ll need to visit the orthodontist to fix your braces to keep correcting your teeth, which can be expensive and painful. Try other cold snacks to get your cold fix. If you are truly craving ice, chew nugget ice that is softer and doesn’t have sharp edges, making it better for your teeth. 

Over-Brushing Your Teeth 

Over 25% of adults over-brush their teeth, and while you might think that brushing your teeth harder or for longer will make them cleaner and healthier, this is not true. Your teeth are live components of your body, not dirty dishes to be scrubbed until shiny. Over-brushing your teeth can wear down enamel and push your gums back faster and further than they should be receding. Reduced enamel and receding gums can make your teeth extremely sensitive to hot and cold. Try setting a timer to only brush for two minutes and be mindful while brushing.

As with anything, breaking and replacing these habits will take anywhere from a few weeks to months. However long it takes, fully commit to break these habits with your teeth. Protecting your teeth now will save you a lot of pain and future dental health problems.

Read this next: How to Keep Track of Your Health Goals

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