
What Life Is Like After Getting Your Braces Removed

If you have braces, you’re likely counting down the days until you can get them off and enjoy your new smile. It’s important to realize, though, that getting your braces off does not signify the end of your orthodontic journey. Follow these steps to make sure you maintain your new smile for life. 

A Nicer Smile

If you grew up with naturally crooked teeth, you may have developed some insecurity surrounding your smile. It’s natural for people to desire a straighter smile. While it can feel like your braces treatment will never end, the final result will be well worth the wait. After you get your braces removed, you’ll have the smile you’ve always dreamed about. You can embrace your smile, and be confident around others. Having straighter teeth also makes them easier to clean and keep cavity-free. You’ll be able to more easily brush and floss away the food residue that creates cavities. 

You Still Need to Keep Your Teeth Straight

Your braces treatment is technically over, but there are still things you need to do to keep your teeth straight. The braces merely shifted your teeth into the correct position. Your job is to make sure they remain there. Retainers help ensure your teeth stay straight long after your braces are removed. Several types of retainers can be installed within your mouth to help with this task. You can have a permanent retainer installed to keep your teeth constantly straight. You can also choose other options like a clear retainer you wear while you sleep. Whichever option you choose, be sure to be diligent about your retainer to maintain your best smile. 

Other Cosmetic Options

After you finish your braces treatment, you may want to pursue other cosmetic treatments to boost your smile. For example, many people decide to whiten their teeth after getting braces to make the most of their new smile. Whitening your teeth can help remove the stains that build up over time. When you whiten your teeth, you illuminate your smile and remove any further confidence issues surrounding the color of your teeth. This is one of the things you can choose to do to further enhance your smile after getting your braces removed. 

When it’s finally time to get your braces removed, you’ll likely feel quite a bit of relief. All the months of orthodontist appointments and avoiding popcorn are finally over, and you have the new smile to prove it. Don’t forget to follow these steps as well to maintain your smile.

Check out this article on bad habits to break with your teeth!

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