
What Your Kids Should Avoid Doing too Close to Bedtime

A good night’s sleep is something you need to prepare for. Setting your child up for a good night’s sleep requires refraining from certain activities that can keep them awake past their bedtime. If you’ve ever struggled with getting your kids to sleep on time, try avoiding the following activities and items before bedtime.


Screens are one of the biggest culprits for keeping kids up past their bedtime. The blue light that various types of screens emit suppresses the production of melatonin, which is the vitamin that helps your child get to sleep. Avoid any interactions with screens for at least an hour before your kids get to bed. Instead of TV or games, try setting up a soothing, relaxing night routine. Read them books, dim the lights, and help signal to their brain that it’s time to go to sleep. It’s important to keep screens out of their rooms while they sleep as well. Even just having a device with a screen next to them while they sleep can interrupt their sleep cycles. Studies have shown that children who sleep with a device in their room get less sleep than kids who have no screens in their bedrooms.

Sugary Foods and Drinks

Sugary foods and drinks can also mess with your child’s natural energy cycles. Foods that are high in sugar can lead to stomach aches, snoring, nightmares, and other sleep disruptions. Keep your child’s sugar intake to a minimum before bedtime. Fruit juices contain more sugar than you might think. Check the nutrition labels for sugar contents close to bedtime. In general, it’s recommended not to eat at all within a few hours before bed. This allows your child’s stomach the proper time to get started on the digestion process before going to bed. 

Too Much Light

Another common sleep disruption is light that may be filtering into the room. Darker atmospheres signal the brain that it should get ready for sleep. If your child goes to bed before the sun is fully set, or takes naps throughout the day, consider investing in blackout curtains. These block the sunlight from entering your child’s room while they’re trying to sleep. This light also goes back to the issue of screens. Keep all light (except for a small night light, if they want one) out of their room when it’s time for bed.

Getting your child to have a good night sleep is not only beneficial to them as a growing human, but it makes life easier on you too. If your kids are asleep, you can go to sleep and get the rest you need. To help your child sleep better at night, remember to avoid these things before bedtime.

Check out this article on signs you aren’t sleeping well at night!


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