
Why Mouthwash Should Be Part of Your Dental Routine

Taking care of your teeth is essential to keep your mouth healthy, functional, and pain free throughout your life. You use your mouth throughout most of the day, for basic necessities like eating and drinking as swell as communication. Most people’s dental care routine involves brushing regularly, and for fewer people it also tends to involve flossing regularly. But very few people seem to use mouthwash as a regular part of their dental care routine, with negative consequences. Here are three key reasons why mouthwash should be part of your dental routine for the best dental care possible.

Brushing Isn’t Enough

The first reason why mouthwash should be part of your dental routine is because the truth is that brushing your teeth isn’t enough. As much as it would be great if brushing were the only necessary task to keep your mouth clean, it is not. There is a lot more bacteria and debris in your mouth, gums, and teeth that a brush can’t reach. Floss can help some as well, but mouthwash is the only way to rinse your mouth completely with an antiseptic. This adds a whole extra layer of cleaning and protection.

Prevent Bad Breath

Another great reason that you should be including mouthwash in your daily dental care routine is because mouthwash helps to prevent bad breath in ways that brushing, and flossing do not. Bad breath is most commonly caused by bacterial growth and buildup in your mouth that produces a nasty smell. Braces can make it easier for bacteria to stay in your mouth and cause bad breath. But mouthwash is designed to kill and eliminate almost all of the bad breath causing bacteria that buildup in your mouth, more so than brushing alone. It is a simple step to keep your breath fresh.

Prevent More Serious Issues

The final reason why mouthwash should be a part of your dental routine is that regularly using mouthwash can help prevent more serious dental health issues in the future. Mouthwash adds extra cleaning to your mouth, which can keep your teeth healthier, and contribute to decreased incidences of more serious dental health issues. Protecting your teeth is the ultimate goal of dental hygiene, and mouthwash is an effective boost.

Mouthwash is not as commonly used as it should be. Mouthwash is Afterall an incredibly effective tool to use in your dental care routine. Consider these three reasons that you should be using mouthwash as part of your dental routine.

Check out this article on how to fix your smile and regain your confidence!

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