
How to Get Tasks Done More Effectively Throughout the Day

If you’ve been having difficulties lately with finishing projects, taking care of small tasks, or being overwhelmed, you’re definitely not alone. The ongoing pandemic complications have caused many people to feel more than usually stagnant, and overwhelmed at the same time. But, you have to get things done, right? How can you get more tasks done more effectively throughout the day?

Front-Load Mentally Intensive Tasks

Front Loading tasks sounds complicated, but all it means is that you decide what your most critical large tasks are to get finished in the week, and assign those to days earlier in the week. It can be easy to get overwhelmed when all tasks seem to have similar importance. If you’re planning days so that you have big tasks delegated to the end of the week, this can seem like it would spur you into motion for a big finish. Unfortunately, it often just means that smaller tasks and emergencies can dogpile onto you by the end of the week, preventing progress. Big Tasks Front-loaded first!

Boost Your Energy

Three O Clock comes for everybody. If you get the after-lunch doldrums and have trouble progressing, you’re really only working with half of a day to complete your goals. Instead, find ways to perk up your brain after lunch. Simple carbs, including breads and sugars, are often the culprits causing that two-hour delayed grogginess. A lunch with complex carbs, protein and fiber can help regulate blood sugar and provide energy.

Make Lists

Since you already need to determine which things need to be Front-loaded in your week and which are most critical for each day, figure out how to organize it all best for you! Some love paper lists, and the use of pen on paper helps them to feel less overwhelmed, while making it possible to remember more items for later lists, as they rewrite each day. Others prefer digital versions. There are even apps which connect to your Alexa! Determine what works for YOU- it matters that you will use your list!

When it comes to feeling productive, nobody can do all of the things all of the time. Remember that you are working under global conditions which already cause stress and can increase memory loss and decrease speed when doing tasks. Give yourself a break, and try a new way to do the things you have to get done!  

Check out this article on how to keep track of your health goals!

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