
Hygiene Routines That Should Begin Early in Children

Hygiene habits are something that you do for your child at first, but it’s also something you need to teach them to do themselves. Children can learn a lot from watching what you do, but that doesn’t mean they’ll establish a hygiene routine on their own. The way you choose to establish the following routines is up to you, but make sure to start early!


Health Powered Kids says that bathing is an important routine to begin early for children. Bathing is a good way to get rid of bacteria and germs. These bacteria and germs can cause illness and infections and other issues on the skin if proper cleaning is not established. It is also important because not bathing on a regular basis can result in odor from bacteria on our skin’s surface. This can be especially important for children in a social setting where it’s hard enough to make friends without looking or smelling dirty.

Brushing Teeth

Showtime Smiles explains that brushing your baby’s teeth can help prevent issues with adult teeth later. Poor dental hygiene can also cause discoloration and cavities early on, even to babies. It is so important to make sure that your young child develops this habit early on and knows how to properly brush. Work hard to teach them the importance of dental health, especially considering that after children lose their baby teeth and gain their adult teeth, these teeth will be the only pair they get for the rest of their life.   

Hand Washing

Kids Health reminds that washing hands is another important hygiene routine to keep children healthy. Our hands can contain many germs and bacteria and it is one way that illnesses are spread. Illnesses are spread from different surfaces to our hands, and then into our bodies because we touch our face or eat food. Children need to learn when to wash their hands. This includes before eating or cooking, and after using the bathroom or blowing their nose. They also need to learn that to wash off all the stuff that can make us sick, they need to use running water and rub soap on their hands for at least 20 seconds.

Hygiene is an important part of a child’s routine. It ensures that they stay healthy, prevents body odors, and prevents cavities. Establishing these hygiene routines from a young age will help children be able to form good habits. These are habits that not only benefit them now but will continue to benefit them throughout their life.

Read this next: How to Keep Track of Your Health Goals

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