
How to Make Sure You Smell Great All Day

When you’re around others, you want to make sure you smell nice. Bad odors can drive people away and it can even make you uncomfortable. For your sake and others, it’s worth it to find ways to smell great all day long. 

Use a Scented Deodorant

It might seem obvious, but one of the best ways to smell good is to use scented deodorant. It’s helpful to know the difference between deodorant and antiperspirant. Antiperspirant contains aluminum and actually stops you from sweating while deodorant primarily exists to mask bad smells. Often, antiperspirants are also marketed as deodorants. It’s up to you to decide which you’d prefer to use. If your main goal is to smell better, then you will do just fine with deodorant. Choose a smell that appeals to you, but isn’t overbearing. It can be helpful to focus on smells that are universally appealing or at least neutral. 

Pay Attention to Your Diet

While you might not realize it, the food you eat can actually impact the way you smell. This is obvious in some ways. For example, certain foods can affect your breath. According Murfreesboro Family Dentistry, onions and garlic in particular can make your breath smell bad. However, your food can also affect the way your sweat smells. Even healthy foods like cruciferous vegetables and fish can lead to your sweat having a less than appealing smell. In the case of cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli and cauliflower, the smell dissipates within six hours of eating. Everyone’s chemical makeup is different, so certain foods may affect you differently. If you want to smell nice, maybe save certain foods for the end of the day. Drinking lots of water can also help to regulate your body’s odor. 

Scent Your Clothes

Another great way to smell good throughout the day is to make sure your clothes smell nice. Obviously, you can spritz on some cologne or perfume before you head out, but you can also scent your clothes beforehand. If you have clothes in drawers, you can leave a scented sachet in the drawer to keep your clothes smelling fresh. Similarly, you can use deodorizers in your shoes to reduce any smells when you’re not using them. As Bayou Closets points out, for clothes in the closet, there are a variety of things you can do to keep them from smelling musty. 

Smelling nice is a courtesy to you and to others. There are many ways you can smell good throughout the day. The key is finding out what methods work best for you and your specific body chemistry.

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