Getting Into the Nerdy Side of YouTube

Technology has changed the way we live and work in an untold number of ways. YouTube is one of the best-known websites in the world, with an astonishing 2 billion monthly logins from users around the world. Connecting with likeminded people who share your interests has never been easier, including with fellow geeks and nerds. YouTube is brimming with examples of successful nerdy uploaders who post all kinds of content. The easy startup and access, though, means heavy competition for viewers. The market is already extremely saturated with content producers, so to be successful in this realm, you’ll need a plan, some skills, and a certain amount of luck.

Choose Your Niche

The most important piece of advice for newcomers to YouTube is to pick your niche (or your “lane”) and stick to it. Too many novices make the fatal mistake of producing content that is too general, which fades into the background against millions of YouTubers around the globe. Are you into anime? Then consider picking a certain sub-genre of anime, such as cyberpunk, to focus on. You’re more likely to attract and retain a loyal following if users know what you’re all about.

Skills You’ll Need

Successful YouTubers all have one thing in common: They have a well-developed skill set suited to making quality videos that get lots of views. Importantly, skills in traditional media, like television or radio, do not always translate to YouTube because it’s a whole different beast. Those in traditional media on the professional side learn a handful of important skills before getting into the field. First, become familiar with the platform and how to leverage views to get more views. An example includes adding annotations to videos to direct them to your website or to other videos on YouTube. Also, develop a presence on other social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, to maximize views. Lastly, a little bit of luck never hurt anyone.

Know Your Audience

Unfortunately, many YouTubers who have developed a successful following end up losing it because they switch the focus of their content to something the audience is not interested in. Always remember: While it’s important to enjoy what you’re doing yourself, YouTube is ultimately about what the viewer wants. Once you choose a topic for your channel, stick with it. You can always make new channels to focus on new interests.

YouTube can be a competitive industry, but with the right tools, you can have a successful channel. Use these tips to your advantage and you’re sure to go far making high-quality videos that nerds worldwide will enjoy.

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