
What Kind of Technology is Most Often Used in Classrooms?

Many members of the new generation of students have been raised on technology since they were very young. Before they show up to school in the morning and after they leave school in the afternoon, chances are that they’ve already had access to a mobile phone or tablet. This is why incorporating technology into classrooms can help connect students with the material they need to learn. Here are several pieces of technology that are starting to gain momentum in the classroom.

Learning Apps

Gaming apps are an extremely popular tool to teach students a variety of topics. For example, “Civilization” is a strategy simulation game where players need to build a civilization from the Stone Age to the Information Age. Along the way, students will meet famous historical figures and learn geography. Another learning app is Epic!, a book subscription app that offers on-demand access to different bookshelves for students in sixth grade and under. Epic!’s bookshelf also includes audio books, read-along books, educational videos, and quizzes. There are many educational learning apps available for all the different platforms, such as iOS, Android, Sony PlayStation and Xbox.

Learning Management Systems

Among the types of software developed for education, learning management systems are one of those investments that could extend education from the classroom to the home. Resources are uploaded onto a learning management system and can be stored, managed and accessed by users remotely. Most learning management systems have built-in analytics and reporting capabilities, and an educator can use them to view user trends and patterns. More and more teachers are learning there are many benefits to learning management systems. Learning management systems can facilitate online learning as well as improve accessibility to classroom resources.

Cloud-Based Assignments

Educational institutions are just starting to see the benefits of using cloud-based computing in education. An online classroom can be uploaded to the cloud and easily accessed by the students and parents at home. Assignments can be accessed and completed using cloud-based word processing apps, such as Google Docs, and stored on Google Drive. In addition to Google, there are many other cloud services available for educators. The end result is a higher level of accessibility, standardization and consistency.

Without a doubt, staying up-to-date with technology is key for preparing students to thrive in the society they will eventually inherit. As a teacher of the generation who grew up using technology as part of their daily lifestyle, incorporating more technology into the classroom can enhance their education and increase absorption of educational material.

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