
Why Smoking Is Terrible for Your Hygiene

Smoking is known for being bad for your health. It significantly increases your risk of developing lung cancer, one of the most deadly types of cancer. It’s not just hazardous to your health though. 

It’s also terrible for your hygiene which can negatively impact how other people interact with you.

You’ll Smell Like Smoke

Smoking has a distinctive, strong smell. Unfortunately for smokers, it’s one that most non-smokers find unpleasant. The smell of cigarettes permeates everything from your clothes to your car and lingers on your breath long after you’ve last smoked. 

Getting rid of the smell of cigarette smoke is difficult, but how you smell to other people can dramatically influence their perception of you. Do your best to minimize the smell of smoke so you don’t come across as having poor hygiene.

It Harms Your Dental Health

The damage smoking does to the lungs is pretty well known, but the truth is that the damage starts well before that. Smoking threatens your oral health and can make your breath smell bad. Smoking over time can begin to turn your teeth yellow. This is true even if you’re diligent about proper brushing and flossing. 

The combination of yellow teeth and bad breath is a solid indicator for most people that hygiene isn’t a priority, even if that’s not the case. You’ll have to do more than just the bare minimum if you smoke and still want your teeth, gums, tongue, and mouth tissue to stay healthy. The best thing you can do for it is to quit smoking altogether.

It Stains Your Fingernails

You handle cigarettes and other smoking paraphernalia with your hands. It only makes sense that your hands will be affected by your smoking habits. The tar and nicotine in cigarettes can stain the nails, turning them an off-putting yellow. If the tar and nicotine don’t get to your nails, the oxygen deprivation to the nails caused by smoking will also have a yellowing effect. Smoking also makes you more susceptible to nail fungus infections. Having yellow, infected nails isn’t a sign of good hygiene and will likely turn people off from the first handshake.

Being around someone who has poor hygiene is downright unpleasant. Smoking makes it so much harder to have good hygiene. It’s also terrible for your health. It’s really hard to quit smoking, but there aren’t many things that would be more beneficial for your health. Talk to your doctor if you need help with quitting.

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