
How to Get Your Braces Off Sooner

Having braces on can be a little bit painful and annoying, especially if it is going to take a few years for them to straighten your teeth. Sure, you’re going to love the result of straight, gorgeous teeth, but waiting for that to happen can be hard. 

Here are a few tips that could help you to get your braces off sooner.

Take Care of Your Dental Hygiene

First, make sure that you’re taking care of your dental hygiene. While this is always important to help prevent cavities and infections, this is even more important when you have braces. The wires and brackets that are put onto your teeth can make it a little more difficult to clean your teeth. 

Leftover food particles can get stuck and cause plaque to develop. So, try using an electric toothbrush, water flosser, or floss threaders to make cleaning your teeth easier. This will help you to get better results when you’ve got food stuck in your teeth. If you want to get your braces off sooner, make sure that you’re taking care of your dental hygiene. 

Watch What You Eat

If you want to get your braces off sooner rather than later, you should also be watching what you eat. There are certain foods that you should steer clear of while you’ve got braces on because they can be difficult to eat. Sticky and crunchy foods can damage your braces during treatment. 

For example, biting into a caramel apple or eating some thick taffy can bend a wire or make a bracket pop off. This can be painful to experience and expensive to fix. Rather than biting into a fruit or vegetable, cut it up instead to make it easier to eat. However, you should avoid sticky, crunchy, hard, and chewy foods. 

Follow Your Orthodontist’s Instructions

Finally, make sure that you’re following the instructions that your orthodontist gives you. Doing so can help your teeth to straighten more quickly, making it possible for you to get your braces off sooner. Every time you visit your orthodontist, they’ll be making small adjustments to your braces to help your teeth straighten out successfully. As part of this process, you might need to wear bands or elastics on your braces. Even though this can seem like a hassle, following your orthodontist’s instructions can help your teeth to straighten more quickly.

So, if you’ve just gotten your braces on, or if you’ve had them on for a while, remember that you can potentially get them removed earlier by following these tips. Make sure to take care of your dental hygiene, watch what you eat, and follow your orthodontist’s instructions. This will help you to have a healthy, straight smile in no time.

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