
Why You Might Have Sensitive Teeth

Your oral health is composed of many different factors and one of the most difficult to deal with is when your teeth are sensitive. Having sensitive teeth can cause you to change your behavior and stop eating foods that you enjoy. You can generally get help with your sensitive teeth if you talk to your dentist and come up with a solution together.

You Brush Too Hard

Some people are under the impression that the harder you brush your teeth, the better it will be for them. And this does make a certain kind of sense if you are thinking about simply removing debris from your mouth. However, brushing your teeth too hard can also lead to problems with your enamel breaking down. If you want to make sure that your teeth are well taken care of, you should use a toothbrush with soft bristles and avoid putting too much pressure while you brush. This can help you to remove plaque from your teeth without hurting your enamel.

Your Enamel is Worn

Your enamel can also be damaged in other ways that can point to a potential problem. If you are hard on your teeth, it can lead to issues that you might not be aware of until you notice sensitivity. For example, grinding your teeth can damage your enamel and lead to more sensitive teeth. If you think you grind your teeth, you should meet with your dentist. They can generally get you fitted with a mouth guard that you wear while you are sleeping. This protects your teeth and helps you to get better sleep as well.


Your teeth can also become sensitive when you have a cavity and your nerve is exposed. This happens because your nerves can interpret the sensation of being touched by heat or cold as pain. This can make it difficult for you to eat foods you enjoy, like ice cream or hot soup. Taking care of cavities quickly can help you to feel more comfortable with your teeth. If you notice a change in sensitivity, it is a good sign that you should go to your dentist. They can take x-rays and help you to determine whether it is a cavity-causing your increased sensitivity to temperature changes in your mouth.

There is no perfect way to take care of your teeth, but there are things you can do to take care of sensitivity when you notice it. Changing to a sensitive teeth formula for your toothpaste is a good starting point. And talking to your dentist can help you to get to the root cause and solve the problem.

Check out this article on why brushing alone can’t keep your teeth clean!

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