
Issues That Can Arise When You Want to Start a Family

Starting a family can be an exhilarating and emotional step in the lives of you and your partner. However, it can also come along with a lot of challenges that you need to be prepared for. Here are a few issues that can arise when you want to start a family that you should keep in mind.

Disagreement With Your Partner

One issue that can arise when you want to start a family is that you might disagree with your partner on many different points. For example, you might disagree on how many children you want to have or how quickly. Once your child is born, you’ll likely disagree on certain points about how to raise your child. 

This happens very commonly because you and your partner likely come from very distinct families and backgrounds. You are also two different people with brains that are wired differently, so you’ll inevitably have different perspectives. However, it is important to learn how to work through your differences and disagreements to come to conclusions that you can both support. 

Fertility Troubles

Another common issue that you might encounter as you’re trying to start your family is fertility trouble. In the United States, 10-15% of couples are infertile, and a large percentage experience temporary infertility. If you experience difficulty getting pregnant, you might want to look into fertility treatments, such as IVF. Adoption is also another option that can help you to grow your family and bring children into your home. Just be aware that international adoptions involve longer wait times and higher qualifications.

Financial Stress

When you’re trying to start your family, you also might experience some financial stress on your family. Providing for a new member of your family can be quite expensive. Even just getting the insurance that you’ll need for your baby and covering medical costs for their birth can be incredibly costly. Once you’ve brought your child home, you’ll have lots of expenses including baby clothes, and baby supplies such as a crib, stroller, car seat, bottles, formula, and more. If you’re on a tight budget, having a baby can increase some of your financial stress. You can work with your partner to ease your financial stress during pregnancy. However, the joy that comes with having a baby will make all of your stress and sacrifices well worth it. 

So, if you’re thinking about starting your family shortly, remember these common issues that can arise. You might have disagreements with your partner, fertility troubles, or financial stress. However, the love that you feel for your family and baby will dramatically overshadow any issues that you might encounter.

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