
How to Speed Up Recovery After a Dental Procedure

No one enjoys undergoing a dental procedure, but they are a fact of life for most people. Fortunately, healing is faster and more complete in the mouth than in other parts of the body. This is, surprisingly, thanks to your saliva, which maintains a moist environment and offers a steady presence of wound-healing proteins. You can also speed up your recovery with these three tips.

Ice the Area

Much of the pain that comes from dental procedures is due to swelling in the area. Swelling is the result of an increased flow of white blood cells, which pushes on your nerves and causes significant discomfort. Ice can reduce the swelling, relieving your pain and allowing you to heal more quickly. Apply an ice pack to the swollen area four or five times per day for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. You will probably only need to use ice for a few days, or until the swelling goes down.

Be Mindful of What You Eat

Eating hard, abrasive foods too soon after a dental procedure can reopen the wound and slow healing. Depending on your procedure, you may need a soft food diet for a few days. Soft foods will help you eat in the aftermath of a dental procedure. Good options include applesauce, scrambled eggs, soups, jello, pudding, yogurt, smoothies, and mashed vegetables such as potatoes and yams. By eating soft foods, you are giving your mouth a chance to rest and heal. 

Keep Your Mouth Clean

A clean mouth heals faster than a mouth that is full of bacteria from poor dental hygiene. Even with a sore mouth, it is important to brush your teeth. Do so softly and gently, especially near the procedural site. It is also helpful to rinse your mouth several times a day, including after meals, with a warm salt water solution. Of course, the most important thing you can do is to follow your dentist’s aftercare instructions. 

You may be experiencing some pain and discomfort after your dental procedure. Thankfully, your mouth should heal quickly. In the meantime, follow these three simple steps for even faster healing. Ice the area to reduce swelling, stick with a soft food diet for a few days, and practice good oral hygiene. By following these steps, as well as any other instructions your dentist gives you, you will be back on your feet and feeling better in no time! 

Check out this article on why brushing alone can’t keep your teeth clean!

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