
How to Get Whiter Teeth You Can Be Proud Of

It isn’t a vain thing to care about your appearance. Yes—you shouldn’t solely care about your outward appearance at the expense of your internal character, but getting to a point where you can feel confident in yourself and your looks is a worthwhile, sensible objective. This is especially the case when it comes to your teeth. Here are just a couple of easy tricks to achieving a whiter, brighter smile.

Watch What You Eat

Eating nutritious foods is important for your overall oral health, but watching what you eat isn’t all about dieting. It is also about reducing your intake of foods that will stain your teeth. So, sorry all you caffeine lovers, but coffee, tea, and soft drinks are some of the most common substances that stain teeth. Furthermore, foods that are intensely colored or high in acidity—like wine, tomato-based products, and citrus—tend to lead to more yellow teeth. At the end of the day, it will just be important to practice moderation and to be careful when consuming these foods—and to use a straw.

Try Natural Solutions

Another cost-effective trick to whiter teeth is to experiment with natural solutions. A common natural method is to brush with a homemade hydrogen peroxide and baking soda paste. Brushing your teeth with baking soda can help make your teeth whiter over time. Just be sure not to do this too often because it can end up eroding your teeth more than whitening them. Furthermore, some people swear by rubbing lemon or orange peels on their teeth. Who knows! It’s worth a try.

Professional Teeth Whitening

While this solution may be a bit more costly compared to baking soda, orange peels, or reducing your intake of coffee, professional teeth whitening is one of the most effective and immediate ways to get whiter teeth. Most dentist offices provide teeth whitening services. And since they have higher end products and tools, professional services will whiten your teeth much more than your over-the-counter whitening strips. Therefore, talk to your dentist or dental hygienist about teeth whitening options during your next visit.

Having whiter teeth can be a huge confidence booster. With whiter teeth, you won’t be afraid to show off your smile. And everyone loves a smiley, happy, confident person—right? Who knows, maybe your new smile will give you the confidence and self-assurance you need to finally apply for that dream job, secure a date with that special someone, or get out of your comfort zone.

Check out this article to learn why brushing alone can’t keep your teeth clean!

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