
Common Reasons Acne Breakouts Occur

Sometimes acne breakouts can be a great blow to self-confidence. Additionally, acne breakouts can be quite painful depending on how severe they are. Knowing common reasons for why acne breakouts occur can help you avoid them or at least anticipate when they will happen. 


High-glycemic foods have been linked to acne breakouts. High-glycemic foods are those that are made of refined carbohydrates. This includes foods such as doughnuts, pastries, chips, sugary snacks, and refined breads. These foods also have other negative health effects besides causing acne breakouts. 

If you are experiencing a lot of acne breakouts, you may want to assess what you are eating and see where you can cut out high-glycemic foods. Additionally, if you notice that you have more breakouts after eating a certain type of food, consider cutting out or reducing that food from your diet.


Acne breakouts occur when there is an excess of sebum produced, clogging hair follicles. Sebum production is mainly controlled by hormone levels. In women, hormone levels fluctuate radically throughout their menstrual cycle. 

Some women will experience breakouts during their period. Because this type of acne is correlated with a menstrual cycle, it will go away once hormones are no longer producing excess sebum. 


Stress is a huge culprit in causing acne breakouts. When your body is stressed, it has higher levels of cortisol, which produces more sebum. To avoid stress-related breakouts, it is best to reduce stress whenever possible. Life has a lot of stressful moments that can help you to learn and grow under pressure. However, just because you are in a stressful situation does not mean that you have to be overly stressed. If you know a big project, presentation, or event is coming up, take time to relax and meditate in between preparations for the big day. Taking measures to calm yourself during stressful times can help keep cortisol levels and sebum production at bay. 

Acne is not just a problem for young people going through puberty. In fact, many adults with great skincare routines still experience acne breakouts years after puberty. Don’t get discouraged or lose confidence if you experience acne breakouts. Your skin is not a reflection of your performance or value. If you are experiencing a breakout, don’t pick at your skin. The best thing to do is let your skin breathe and take care of itself. 

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