
What to Do When Your Baby’s First Tooth Comes In

When your baby is teething, all you want to do is to help them to feel better. But especially with their first tooth, it can be hard to know how to help them feel better and be more comfortable. Here are a few ideas that can help you to help your baby be a little more comfortable and happy while they are teething for the first time.

Soothe Their Pain

The first thing you want to do is help them to decrease the pain they are experiencing because of teething. This can mean a variety of different things from applying heat or ice to giving them pain medication. Chewing on something squishy with a bit of give can also help your child to be more comfortable when they are teething. If you feel like you are struggling to help your baby feel less pain when they are teething, your pediatrician can help you to find great options that will actually work for your baby.

Make a Dentist Appointment

Once your baby has their first tooth it is important that you give them the oral care they need to be healthy. This means that they need to start going to the dentist so you can keep track of their oral health. You should schedule the appointment about six months after their first tooth comes in. This will give the dentist a chance to assess their teeth and give you a plan of action to keep their teeth looking and feeling great.

Be Attentive

While your baby is teething, they need extra comfort and care. So make sure you are being present and attentive throughout the teething period. Offer extra cuddles and snuggles to help them feel more comfortable while they are dealing with the pain of teething. You may also want to give your child extra care when they are teething by providing them with frozen snacks and other options to make teething a little less painful of an experience. Your baby will appreciate the time you spend with them and the extra level of coziness.

When your baby is teething, it is hard to make sure they are happy and feeling good. But if you talk to experts and take steps to decrease their pain and take care of their new teeth, it will help a lot. And then you and your baby can get back to the important work of bonding with one another.

It’s common knowledge that the wisdom teeth need to go, but do you know why? Check out this article to learn more!

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