
Signs That You Aren’t Doing Enough for Your Dental Health

Taking good care of your body is essential to living a happy, healthy life. When thinking about how to stay healthy, there’s a good chance that diet and exercise would be among the first to come to your mind. While they are certainly important, that’s not all there is to it. You might be surprised by how much of an impact your oral health has on your wellbeing and your wallet. Because of this, it’s a good idea to keep an eye out for signs that your current dental hygiene is not up to standard.

You Get Cavities

If you’re getting cavities, that’s a sure sign that whatever it is that you’re doing just isn’t cutting it. Cavities are caused by the bacteria that live in your mouth. As they break down the particles of food left behind from what you’ve eaten, they produce acid that wears away at your enamel. This eventually leads to the formation of a cavity. Cavities that become too advanced will require the attention of a dentist to correct by having them filled. If you catch them early enough, however, Dentaly says you may be able to remineralize the tooth and reverse the decay. Brushing your teeth regularly and flossing greatly decrease the odds of tooth decay in the first place!

Bad Breath

No one likes the smell of bad breath. It’s uncomfortable for anyone smelling it and a point of embarrassment for anyone suffering from it. Bad breath is also a sign that your oral hygiene isn’t up to snuff. One of the reasons it happens is because food particles are stuck in your mouth and are being broken down by bacteria, which produces the smell. It’s not always easy to clean your teeth, of course. According to Stellar Family Orthodontics, braces can make it harder to brush away food particles that lead to bad breath. Extra care, dedication, and discipline will be necessary if you are to combat a bad breath problem.

Your Teeth Are Discolored

Tooth discoloration can happen for a few different reasons. Buffalo Dentistry warns that some foods stain teeth, which could be part of your problem. Aging also has a tendency to cause teeth to yellow. On the other hand, it could be yet another sign that you aren’t taking good enough care of your teeth. Plaque buildup can lead to discoloration, something that can be prevented by properly brushing, flossing, and rinsing your teeth. Incidentally, this can also help prevent discoloration from food and drink. 

If you stop to think, it makes sense that your dental health has a strong impact on your overall well being. Healthy teeth and a healthy mouth make it so much easier to eat healthy foods and to get the digestive process off to a good start. Give yourself a jumpstart on your overall health by taking good care of your teeth!

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