
How to Feel Less Stressed in Your Home

Home should be a refuge from the world. It should be a place where you can feel peace from the constant barrage of sensory overload. If your home doesn’t feel like the haven that it should be, here are a few simple changes you can make.


Studies show that interior design features of a home can impact one’s mood. The décor choices you make will either contribute to a sense of well-being, or increase feelings of stress. Each part of your home’s design can play a role, from the lighting to the amount of free space to the colors and textures. You can hire a professional interior designer to create the mood you want for your home, or you can do a bit of research yourself. Decide on the emotional climate you want to achieve, find examples on the internet, and recreate those looks in your own home. Simply changing the paint and accent colors in a room can make a big difference. Start with one room and branch out from there.

Declutter Your Home

Few things add to the stress of a home like clutter. Clutter takes up valuable space that could be used for the things and people you love. Clutter makes it far more difficult to find the things you need and to clean the house. It costs you money as you forget what you have and constantly buy new things. Clutter in your home can make pest infestations like bed bugs more likely. And no one enjoys flying into a state of panic every time the doorbell rings! Decluttering is simple, but it is not always easy. We get attached to our things, so start small. Block off time to go through one room. It helps to enlist the help of someone who is not emotionally attached. Only keep what you truly value, reorganize what you keep, and donate the rest.

Set a Maintenance Schedule

Homes require a lot of upkeep, and if you are juggling all those tasks in your mind, you are likely feeling a great deal of stress. Instead of worrying about everything that needs done, create or download a home maintenance schedule. Include every repetitive, home-related chore that you can think of, and how frequently it needs to be done. Plug it into your schedule and all you have to do is follow it!

It is well worth any effort you can exert toward making your home a happier place. Your home should not be a source of stress, but a sanctuary from it. Choose one way that you can make your home more peaceful and start today!

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