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Tips to Keep in Mind When Designing Your Living Room

Living rooms are often one of the most-used spaces in a home. They can be used for entertaining guests, relaxing after a long day, or watching TV. Because of this, it’s important to design your living room in a way that is both functional and stylish. Take a look at these tips to keep in mind when designing your living room!

Set Your Mood

The living room is often the heart of the home, where family and friends gather to relax and enjoy each other’s company. When designing your living room, it’s important to keep in mind the mood you want to create. Do you want a cozy space for entertaining? A formal room for hosting dinner parties? A relaxed space for family movie nights? Once you’ve decided on the mood, you can start to select furnishings, colors, and decorations that will support that atmosphere. 

For example, a cozy living room might feature a soft color palette and comfortable furniture, while a formal living room might have more traditional furnishings and a richer color scheme. By keeping your desired mood in mind, you can create a living room that’s both stylish and inviting.

Use Negative Space

One tip to keep in mind when designing your living room is to use negative space. Negative space is the empty area around the objects in a room. Negative space in a room can create contrast with filled space. For example, if you have a lot of furniture in your living room, you can use negative space to create a more relaxed atmosphere. You can do this by placing furniture around the perimeter of the room and leaving the center of the room open. 

This will help to make the room feel less cluttered and more spacious. Additionally, you can use color to create negative space. For example, you can paint one wall in a dark color and the other walls in a light color. This will create a sense of depth and make the room appear larger. By using negative space, you can create a more relaxing and inviting living room that is stylish and functional.

Embrace Color

One tip to keep in mind when designing your living room is to embrace color. While neutral tones like black and white can create a classic look, they can also make a space feel cold and uninviting. Adding a pop of color can instantly transform a room, making it feel warmer and more inviting. When choosing colors, be sure to consider the natural light in the room as well as the overall feeling you want to create. For a bolder look, choose brighter colors like yellow or red. For a more calming and relaxing atmosphere, opt for softer hues like blue or green. Bringing color into your living room doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive – even something as simple as a brightly-colored throw pillow can make a big impact. So don’t be afraid to experiment and have fun with color!

Your living room should be the heart of your home. In order to make it comfortable and chic you have to come to it with an eye for style. Be sure to take these three tips to heart when designing your living room.

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