
How to Make Swimming Safe and Fun for the Whole Family

If you have small children who don’t know yet how to swim, or have not had a chance for a few years to do swimming lessons due to pandemic strictures, now is the time to think about water safety! There are so many amazing and fun family activities which involve water fun, and whether you are thinking about canoeing, kayaking, rafting along a river, or any of the other magnificent things possible in the water, your first step is learning water safety for everybody. How can you learn to make swimming safe and fun for everybody in your family?

Supervise Them

Your most critical step in introducing children to water is to safeguard them by watching them closely. Remember, a toddler can drown in as little as two inches of water! You always want children to be supervised and to have life jackets on, especially if you cannot see the bottom of the water. Until they are expert swimmers, they should always have life jackets on, especially in lakes, rivers, ponds, and other non-clear water.

Teach Them to Swim

Swimming is a life-saving skill you can teach your kids. Community centers often have professional classes for ages five and up. Even in clear water, however, having you near and paying attention is essential. Younger children can do baby-toddler courses specific to teaching small children to relax and roll upon their backs if they find themselves in water. If you don’t know how to swim, it’s never too late. This is a good time for you to learn as well!

Always Follow Safety Rules

Whatever outdoor activity you practice, always follow the safety rules for those activities. This might include learning new rules for rafting, or how to not panic if your kayak flips over. Practice the safety rules in advance for new activities, so that in an emergency you already have a protocol in place for your family. This includes, as in all group activities, which adult is responsible for each child, and being aware of them at all times.

Water fun, whether at a water park or at a waterfall can be a spectacular thing to do with your family. You want to know you have been careful in advance, have all the tools, and have protected your family. Prepare ahead, and get ready for some of the best exercise and most fun trips you can ever have with your kiddos!

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